Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What to do before doing buisness with chainese

What to do before doing buisness with chainese

The Chainese are expanding there frontier and any body who knows his onion in Business should exploit avenues to be part of this expantion either in Africa or anywere at all.

I am one of those people who think its the right decision and wish that people can see to it.However to do buisness with the chainese one needs to study them properly first because there are so many frudelunt Chinese in buisnee and if you are not care you would fall into them.

There are websites that teach about doing buisness with the them and its just important that ones visit some of these websites to get acquinted.Apart from langauge barrier their laws also needs to be studied

Monday, August 9, 2010

China's Fur Industry To Pay Attention To The Problem

China's Fur Industry To Pay Attention To The Problem

1. China fur animal breeding an unprecedented expansion of the number of entered the digestive phase, how the average interests of all parties to avoid unnecessary runs to get win-win and become the owners of thought fur for thought. In the current trend of climate warming in front, consumer attitudes are quietly changing the price, quality, fashion trends also determine the pattern of industrial development in future years, the past is already past, the new one represents a new way of thinking transformation. For example, the region now Jiaodong mink coat to wear for every 100 who have five or so into wearing a light-colored line, white mink garment is a middle-aged, young people's darling. There are in the Rabbit application, light-colored, the Department of the Department of Rabbit Rabbit application than the dark broader and more refreshing. Whether processing enterprises or farmers, should be aware of this trend, early and prepared.

2. To change the marketing model Mink Clothing

As the ancestor of mink fur deeply people's attention, but our marketing mode is greatly outdated, and a mink coat often have to put up in the Great mall for a long period of time, not necessarily able to sell out. Such an outcome not only mink producers are frustrated, but also makes a number of fur companies in trouble, and thus make the output of aquaculture shrinking, leading to a further decline in competitiveness. Therefore, the update Mink apparel marketing model is imperative. Through the network, direct sales approach to fur store promotion and popularization of culture, so that more people feel better in the warm winter fur inside the beauty and warmth out of embarrassing the Chinese fur industry, the status quo, through the interaction to make the efficiency is improved, complementarity of both sides to be improved and will further build the brand's complete and perfect, the production chain more health-oriented brand, the process to get even better.

3. The policy to pay attention to the economy

Changes in prices only care about the number of fur animal breeding is not enough, you also have to join the most important one is the policy of the economy. 2007 tax rebate reduction, fox, sable export policy to prohibit the introduction of the maximum extent, affected the pattern of China's fur industry, and development, which also made fur the price of a broader trend toward the direction of economic research to move closer to the world economy, changes in China fur prices, the impact will be further deepened. China's fur has been deeply involved in world economic cycle, if China's fur industry, researchers do not concern the world economy, then its direction and the consequences will be a mess of.

Generally speaking, China's fur farming through the rapid expansion of employment has reached a peak, future development will show a contraction of its participation in the market skills will be enhanced, dependent on the weather, input costs are low, and not blind obedience to ideology will gradually withdraw from China's fur industry, skin-friendly functionality has also been the greatest degree of containment, access to opportunities for profits are becoming slim. China's bad fur processing and business management will be very difficult to do so. China's fur industry information research investment will increase, fur market, tend to further weaken the large-scale, small-scale processing enterprises as well as the market's close-knit farming degree of strengthening and consolidation of the Chinese fur into a new space for development.

Another problem is that intellectual property protection, intellectual property's heightened awareness of the brand, one of the necessary conditions for the protection of cultural originality of fur in China are improving, but still not enough to do, mainly because the lack of professionals in this area, Talent determines the Chinese fur industry, and brand of originality, the importance of talents will be displayed after a few years growing, because China needs the ideological and fur.

Doing Business in China -

Doing Business in China - 10 Tips For Good Etiquette
By Philip F Smith

It's easy enough to get a passport and a visa for a business trip to China (even a last-minute rush passport for an important business meeting). But how do you go about doing business when in the country? China has a very different business culture to the United States, and you don't want to ruin a business opportunity by making a gaff. Here are 10 tips for good business etiquette on a trip to China.

1. Dress Conservatively
How you dress is very important in China. For men that means dressing formally during meetings and also at less-formal events. For women it means avoiding anything that is too revealing, and steering clear of high heels. Conservative is the best option, and try not to wear anything too loud.

2. Choose Gifts Carefully
The giving of gifts is an important part of the business process in China. Make sure you take a gift to present to your host, but be careful what you give: some items, such as clocks and handkerchiefs, are associated with death. A good option is a gift that represents your home region.

3. Be Punctual
Punctuality is hugely important to the Chinese, and is seen as a sign of respect. Arrive on time or earlier if possible to any engagements.

4. Limit your Gestures
Do not use too many hand gestures during meetings as this is off-putting to the Chinese. Physical contact should essentially be avoided most of the time, especially between men and women.

5. Don't Finish your Meal
When you go for a meal with your business associates, make sure that you leave a bit on your plate at the end rather than trying to finish everything. If you finish your meal your host will think that you are still hungry.

6. Be Careful with Tipping
Although tipping is very common in the United States, it is sometimes considered an insult in China. Be very careful who you tip and always ask if you are in doubt.

7. Follow your Host when Shaking Hands
Handshaking is not the normal greeting in China, and often a simple nod is the preferred gesture. However, many Chinese will now offer their hands to Westerners. The best advice is to wait until your host offers their hand first.

8. Follow Business Card Procedure
Carry a case for business cards, and don't write on one or put it straight into your pocket. Upon receiving a business card, read it carefully as a sign of respect.

9. Address your Host Correctly
A Chinese host is normally called by their family name, which comes first when written down. The best thing to do is find out in advance how they like to be addressed and stick to that. Also, don't expect them to call you by your first name: formality is a sign of respect.

10. Keep your Cool
Above all, never let your emotions get the better of you. Try not to allow yourself to get angry or frustrated as it is seen as important to stay in control at all times.

Get a Passport and Chinese Visa for your Trip
Now you know a bit more about doing business in China, all you have to do is sort out your passport and chinese visa for your trip.

These can be arranged very quickly, and you can even get a china visa in 24 hours if you have an important business meeting to attend.

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